Monday, March 14, 2011
Four Scientists of the city-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) have bagged the prestigious J.C. Bose National Fellowship-2011
To know more about JC bose fellowship please click here.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Veena Parnaik

Name Dr VK Parnaik(Dr Veena K Parnaik)
Address Scientist-G, Centre for Cellular and Molecular, Biology, Uppal Road
City HyderabadCountry India
Pin Code 500007
Gender Female
Year Of Birth 1953
Specialization Cell Biology/molecularbiology
Qualification PhD
Veena K parnaik obtained her MS degree in medical biochemistry from bombay university in 1974. She received her phd from Ohio State University USA in 1979.
Here she studied the mechanism of action of polysaccharide-synthesizing enzyme, dextran sucrose. She joine ccmb in 1980 initially working on AMV reverse transcriptase then going on to develop an interest in eukaroytic gene regulation and nucleocytoplasmic processes.
Veena K Parnaik's Lab member
Name Designation Ext. No. E-mail
Veena K Parnaik Scientist 2614
Bh Muralikrishna Technical Officer 2621
S Thanumalayan Technical Officer 2618
C Mohan Kumar Senior Stenographer 2746
G Vidyasagar Group I 2618
Pankaj Chaturvedi Senior Research Fellow 2618
Ritika Gurung Senior Research Fellow 2618
Kirti Sinha Senior Research Fellow 2618
Poonam Sehgal Senior Research Fellow 2618
Fathima Athar Junior Research Fellow 2618
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Dr. Dipankar Chatterji’s fellowship work was carried out at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. He undertook a tour of the USA, visiting the laboratory of the National Institute of Health, Bethesda. He attended the FASEB Summer Research Conference at Vermont, Saxton River. He also spent some time working in the laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore as a Visiting Professor.
Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy (1997)
Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (1994)
Homi Bhabha Fellowship (1992-1994)
Bhatnagar Prize in Biological Sciences (1992)
Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (1989)
NIH Fellowship (1980-1983)
UGC Fellowship (1973-1977)
Ph.D. 1977 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
M.Sc. 1973 Jadavpur University, Calcutta
B.Sc. 1970 Jadavpur University, Calcutta
Friday, January 30, 2009
Research Profile of Somdatta Sinha
ADDRESS Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology,
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, AP, INDIA
Telephone: +91 40 27192588 (Office);
27192786 (Lab)
+91 40 27160222-0241 (Reception)
Extension 2588 and 2786
Fax: +91 40 27160591; 27160311
Ph.D.(1982) & M.Phil. Theoretical Biology,
School of Environmental Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Ph.D. THESIS: A Study on The Effects of External Perturbations in
Some Biological Organisations.
M.Phil. THESIS: Analysis of Biochemical Oscillators
M.Sc. & B.Sc.(Hons) Physics, Mathematics & Chemistry
(I Class) Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, India
High School Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography
(I Div. I Rank) Patha Bhavan, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, WB
Scientist “G”
Group Leader, Mathematical & Computational Biology Group,
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology Hyderabad, AP, India
(A national laboratory of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India)
Research Associate at the School of Environmental Sciences (6 months – 1982)
Research Associate at the Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (6 mo, 1983)
Joined CCMB as Scientist 'C' in 1983; Scientist E-I (1988), Scientist E-II (1993), Scientist F (1998-2003).
• Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, India
• Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India
• Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study (Wissenschaftskolleg) at Berlin, 2000-2001
• Long Term Participant at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics (KITP), UCSB, USA, Aug-November, 2003
• Landahl (WOC) Travel Award, Society for Mathematical Biology, USA for ECMTB, Dresden, Germany, 2005
• Visitor to Max Planck Institutes for Self-Organisation & Mathematics for Sciences (Goettingen and Leipzig), 2005
• Visitor to Univ. of Hamburg, Germany, and Univ. of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2005
• Visitor to Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland, 2005
• Visitor to the Mathematical Research Branch, NIDDK, NIH, USA, June 2002
• Visiting Fellow to the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, USA, 1999-2000
• Raman Research Fellowship (Govt. of India) 1999 at the Mathematical Research Branch, NIDDK, NIH, USA
• Senior Associate Fellow of the CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling & Computer Simulation, Bangalore
• The Wellcome Trust Travel Fellowship, 1998
• Visiting Fellowship from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, March-June, 1994
• Associated to Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Univ, USA, 1992
• UNESCO Travel Award for Gordon Research Conference
• Landahl Travel Award, Society for Mathematical Biology, USA, 1991
• Indian National Science Academy - Royal Society, London Exchange Programme, Centre for Mathematical Biology, Univ. of Oxford, UK - 1986-87.
• CSIR Post Doctoral and Senior Research Fellowships - 1979-83
• National Science Talent Scholarship - 1969 -1979.
• Award for holding first rank in Higher School Certificate Examination
• Council Member, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India
• Editorial Board Member, Journal of Biosciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, India
• Editorial Board Member, Current Science, India.
• Member, Society for Mathematical Biology, USA.
• Member, World Outreach Committee of the Society for Mathematical Biology, USA.
• Member, Sectional Committee, Indian Academy of Sciences, India
• Member, Project Advisory Council (Animal Sciences), Department of Science & Technology, India
1. Discussion Meeting on “Mechanisms of Pattern Formation”, Coorg, India, Dec 6-9, 2007
2. IASc Teachers' Refresher Course on Advances in Biophysics, CCMB, Hyderabad, May 25 - June 8, 2007.
3. IASc Teachers' Refresher Course on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Biology, CCMB, Hyderabad May 25-June 8, 2005
4. International Workshop on Mathematical & Computational Biology, CCMB, Hyderabad Jan 8-13, 2001
5. Modelling Biological Systems: concepts & applications, CCMB, Hyderabad, Jan 8-9, 1997
6. Mathematical Modelling in Biology & Chemistry, CCMB, Hyderabad, 1991
• Science Education
Co-authored of Science Textbooks of Classes 7, 8, and 10 for the Central Board of Secondary Education published by the National Council for Educational Research & Training (NCERT), New Delhi, India.
Popular scientific writing - Contributed many articles in popular Science journals and magazines in English and vernacular language, and taken part in meetings on Science & Society and Women in Science.
Organised three symposiums on theoretical biology.
My area of study is theoretical biology, nonlinear dynamics and complex systems with a view to understand the logic & design of underlying biological processes. The primary interest is to study the evolution and maintenance of spatiotemporal organization in biological systems spanning multiple spatiotemporal scales – from ecological to genetic. I have studied mechanisms of self-organization in collective dynamics in spatially extended systems (e.g. metapopulation, excitable tissues, etc), and the adaptive role of biochemical nonlinearities present in biochemical pathways. The three areas of research are –
Biochemical Pathways & Gene Circuits – dynamics of genetic and metabolic regulatory circuits; artificial regulatory networks; deterministic and stochastic modelling; transient cellular processes; Comparative genomic study of biochemical pathway evolution in different organisms; modelling protein structures using network theory.
Pattern Formation & Collective behaviour: Pattern formation during development and inter-cellular communication; Role of space, interaction strength and local dynamics. Synchronization and controlling spatiotemporal dynamics; bursting dynamics of excitable tissues; and evolution of the collective.
Modelling Ecological systems – Single discrete population growth models, and metapopulation dynamics under ecological processes; Interacting species models (host-parasite, prey-predator, etc.); and spatiotemporal analysis of disease data.
1. Delay-Induced Transient Increase and Heterogeneity in Gene Expression in Negatively Auto-regulated Gene Circuits.
PLoS One (Accepted 2008)
R Maithreye, RamRup Sarkar, Veena K. Parnaik, and Somdatta Sinha
2. Ecological Networks: Structure, Interaction Strength, and Stability
In: Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks: Applications to Biology, Computer Science, Economics, and the Social Sciences, Eds. Niloy Ganguly, Andreas Deutsch, and Animesh Mukherjee, BIRKHÄUSER, BOSTON, (In press 2008)
S. Bhattacharyya, Somdatta Sinha.
3. Analysis of Protein Folds Using Protein Contact Networks
Pramana – journal of physics. (In press 2008)
Pankaj Barah and Somdatta Sinha
4. Synchronization in multi-cell systems exhibiting dynamic plasticity
Pramana – journal of physics. (In press 2008)
C. Suguna and Somdatta Sinha
5. Measuring Collective Behaviour of Multi-Cellular Ensembles: Role of Space-Time Scales. Journal of Biosciences (epublished March 3, 2008)
Somdatta Sinha
6. Assortative mixing in Protein Contact Networks and protein folding kinetics
Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm257; (2007)
Ganesh Bagler; Somdatta Sinha
7. Propagation of extrinsic perturbation in a negatively auto-regulated pathway.
Physical Biology, 4, pp 48-59, (2007)
R Maithreye and Somdatta Sinha.
8. Synchronization in coupled cells with activator-inhibitor pathways.
Physical Review E, 75, 011906 (2007)
S. Rajesh, Sudeshna Sinha, and Somdatta Sinha
9. Multiplicity in Non-Linear Systems.
In: Understanding Change: Models, Methodologies and Metaphors, Eds: A. Wimmer and R. Kössler, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN:1403939411, pp 222-235 (2005)
Somdatta Sinha
10. Network properties of protein structures.
Physica A, 346(1-2), pp 27--33 (2005)
Ganesh Bagler and Somdatta Sinha
11. Dynamics of coupled cell-systems.
Physica A, 346(1-2), pp 154--164 (2005)
C. Suguna and Somdatta Sinha
12. The role of virus infection in a simple phytoplankton-zooplankton system.
J. Theor. Biol., 231, pp 153-166 (2004)
BK Singh, J Chattopadhyay and Somdatta Sinha
13. The role of heterogeneity on the spatiotemporal dynamics of host parasite metapopulation
Ecological Modelling 180, 435-443, (2004)
B.K.Singh, J.Subba Rao, R. Ramaswamy & Somdatta Sinha
14. Modelling Simple Biochemical Networks.
In: Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems: Experiments and Models. Eds: A. Deutsch, J Howard, M Falcke & W Zimmermann, Birkhauser, Basel, pp 251-257 (2003)
R. Maithreye and Somdatta Sinha
15. Controllability of Spatiotemporal Systems Using Constant Pinnings
Physica A 318, pp 200-212 (2003)
Nita Parekh and Somdatta Sinha
16. Dynamics of Cellular Processes: From Single Cell to Collective Behavior
In: Recent Research Developments in Biophysical Chemistry (ISBN: 81-7736-116-3), Eds: C.A. Condat and A. Baruzzi, Research Signpost, pp 91-103 (2002)
C. Suguna, R Maithreye, Silpa Suthram & Somdatta Sinha
17. Cellular Dynamics in Noisy Environment
Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2 (4), pp L313-L326 (2002)
C. Suguna and Somdatta Sinha
18. Controlling Dynamics in Spatially Extended Systems.
Physical Review E, 65, pp 036227-1 to 9 (2002)
Nita Parekh & Somdatta Sinha
19. Role of nonlinearity in population growth models
In: Nonlinear Phenomena in Biological & Physical Sciences, Eds: S K Malik. M K Chandrashekaran, N. Pradhan, Ind. Nat.Sci. Acad., pp 195-222. (2000)
Parichay K. Das & Somdatta Sinha
20. Minimal model for complex dynamics in cellular processes
Physical Review E, 60 (5), pp 5943-5949 (1999)
C. Suguna, KK Chowdhury & Somdatta Sinha
21. Suppressing Spatiotemporal Chaos in Coupled Map Lattices Using Constant Pinnings
In "Nonlinear Dynamics and Brain Functioning", (Ed: R. Sreenivasan & Paul E.Rapp), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (New York, USA), ISBN 1560726482 (1999)
N. Parekh & Somdatta Sinha.
22. Modelling Pattern Formation in Hydra
In "Recent Trends in Developmental Biology", (Ed. S.K. Gakhar & S.N. Mishra), Himalaya Publishing House (Delhi, India), pp 145-164 (1999)
Somdatta Sinha.
23. Global and Local Control of Spatiotemporal Chaos in Coupled Map Lattices
Physical Review Letters, 81, pp 1401-1404 (1998)
Parekh N., Parthasarathy, S. & Somdatta Sinha.
24. Are Ecological Systems Chaotic ? - An enquiry into population growth models
Current Science, 73 (11), pp 949 - 956, (1997).
Somdatta Sinha.
25. Behaviour of Simple One-dimensional Maps Under Perturbation.
Pramana- journal of physics, 48 (1), pp 87 - 98. (1997).
Somdatta Sinha, & Parichay K. Das.
26. Unusual Dynamics of Extinction in a Simple Ecological Model.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 93 (Feb), pp 1504 -1508. (1996).
Somdatta Sinha, & Parthasarathy, S.
27. Controlling Chaos in Unidimensional Maps Using Constant Feedback.
Physical Review E, 51 (6), pp 6239 - 6242. (1995)
Parthasarathy, S & Somdatta Sinha.
28. Behaviour of Simple Population Models Under Ecological Processes.
J. Biosciences, 19, pp 247 - 254. (1994).
Somdatta Sinha & Parthasarathy, S.
29. Perturbations in Morphogen Gradients Induce Budding in Hydra.
Developmental Biology, 154, pp 218 - 222. (1992).
Somdatta Sinha, and Mookerjee,S.
30. Pattern Formation in Hydra - a Theoretical Study.
In "Realm of Differentiation", Prof. Sivatosh Mookerjee Festschrift,
(M.Habibulla, Ed), Neelkanth Publishers, New Delhi, pp 197-208. (1992).
Somdatta Sinha.
31. Steady State Spatial Patterns in a Cell - Chemotaxis Problem.
IMA J. Maths. Appld. Med. Biol., 6, pp 69 - 79. ( 1989 ).
Grindrod,P., Murray,J.D. and Somdatta Sinha.
32. A Theoretical Study of the Tryptophan Operon : Application in Microbial Technology.
Biotech. & Bioengg., 31, pp 117 - 125. (1988 ).
Somdatta Sinha.
33. Complex Behaviour of the Repressible Operon.
J. Theor. Biol., 132, pp 307 - 318. ( 1988 ).
Somdatta Sinha and Ramaswamy,R.
34. On the Dynamics of Controlled Metabolic Network and Cellular Behaviour.
Biosystems, 20, pp 341 - 354. ( 1987 ).
Somdatta Sinha and Ramaswamy,R.
35. Dynamics of Controlled Metabolic Network and Cellular Behaviour.
In "Chaos in Biological Systems", (H.Degn, A.V.Holden, & L.F.Olsen,Eds).
Plenum Press, New York, pp 59 - 66. ( 1987 ).
Somdatta Sinha and Ramaswamy,R.
36. Pattern Forming Mechanisms in Hydra as Revealed by Host - Graft Interactions.
Indian J. Exp. Biol., 23, pp 535 - 540. (1985 ).
Somdatta Sinha, Rao,J.S., and Mookerjee,S.
37. A Four Variable Model for the Pattern Forming Mechanisms in Hydra.
Biosystems, 17, pp 15 - 22. ( 1984 ).
Somdatta Sinha, Joshi,N.V., Rao,J.S., and Mookerjee,S.
38. Hydra Pattern is Controlled by two Distinct but Interacting Morphogen Sets.
Wilhelm Roux's Archiv. Dev. Biol., 194, pp 56 - 60. ( 1984 ).
Somdatta Sinha and Mookerjee,S.
39. Are Circadian Oscillators Structurally Unstable ?
J. Theor. Biol., 101, pp 401 - 414. ( 1983 ).
Somdatta Sinha.
40. A Linear Oscillator Model for Circadian Rhythms : Implications for Phase Response Curves.
Chronobiologia, VII, No.4, pp 377 - 391. ( 1981 ).
Somdatta Sinha.
41. Regenerative Capacity of Isolated Mid-gastric Annulus of Hydra by Varying its Cell Quanta.
Indian J. Exp. Biol., 17, pp 1001 - 1006. ( 1979 ).
Mookerjee,S., Chakraborty,D., and Somdatta Sinha.
• Controlling Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Excitable Systems. Nita Parekh and Somdatta Sinha. Santa Fe Institute Working Paper No. 00-06-031 (2000)
• Guest-edited a Special Section in “Modelling in Biology” of 8 papers for the Current Science vol 73, N0. 11, 1997 (published by the Indian Academy of Science)
• Co-author of Science Textbooks of Classes 7, 8, and 10 for the Central Board of Secondary Education published by the National Council for Educational Research & Training (NCERT), New Delhi, India.
• Reviewed several scientific and technical articles and books for journals and grant agencies.
(Publications (abstracts and short papers) in Proceedings of Conferences are not included here)
Teaching Experience:
1) Biostatistics to I year Ph.D. students (12 lectures) at CCMB,
2) Biochemical pathway Modelling to M.Sc. Bioinformatics students (4 lectures) at the Bioinformatics Centre, Pune University, Pune, Maharshtra, India
3) Biochemical pathway Modelling to B.Tech. Bioinformatics students (4 lectures) at the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, India
4) Systems Biology - an introduction to B.Tech. Bioinformatics students (2 lectures) at the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, India
5) Modelling biological systems to M.Tech. students (2 lectures) at the Centre for Modelling & Simulation, Pune University, Pune, Maharshtra, India
6) Numerous lectures on the above topics in teaching workshops and training courses in India.
Grants received (2002 onwards):
1) "Development of a comprehensive web resource on biochemical pathways useful for interdisciplinary research in Bioinformatics",
Department of Biotechnology (BT/PR5446/BID/07/106/2004)
2) "Towards a realistic model of insect population growth at the single and metapopulation level: Drosophila as a model system",
Department of Science & Technology (SR/SO/AS-09/2002)
3) "Comparative genomic analysis of the Tryptophan biosynthetic pathway", Department of Biotechnology (BT/PR3098/MED/12/136/2002). Completed
Research personnel in the Group:
a) Dr. C. Suguna, Sci.E1 (1997-)
b) Dr. Ramrup Sarkar, Sci.C (2005-)
c) Dr. Samit Bhattacharyya PDF (2007-)
d) Mr. Pankaj Barah Proj. Asst. (2007-)
e) Ms. Susmita Sarkar Proj. Asst. (2007-)
f) Mr. Ankur Malhotra Proj. Asst. (2008-)
g) Mr. Aridaman Pandit Research Student (2007-)
Personal Details:
Date of Birth: October 14, 1951
Gender: Female
Nationality: Indian
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
GR Chandak group
G R Chandak's Group
Name Designation Extn. No. E-mail
G R Chandak Scientist 2653
K Radha Mani Technical Officer 2653
Seema Bhaskar Technical Officer 2638
M Subba Rao Stenographer 2655
Inder Deo Mali Group I 2653
P Ashok Group I 2653
Sumit Paliwal Junior Research Fellow 2653
Lajwanti Dash Proj. Junior Research Fellow 2655
J Charles Spurgeon Proj. Asstt. 2653
D Pavithra Proj. Asstt. 2653
M V Kranti Kumar Proj. Asstt. 2653
E Vikasini Proj. Asstt. 2653
P Gayathri Proj. Asstt. 2653
P Smitha Proj. Asstt. 2653
Karunakar Chithalapudi Proj. Asstt. 2653
M N Sandeep Proj. Asstt. 2653
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Symposia places in ccmb
How to go from CCMB to IICT auditorium?
* Come from CCMB reception face northward towards iict walk 100 feet (cross the ccmb back gate)
* Turn left walk 600 feet
* Turn right walk 30 feet
Right side IICT auditorium
View Larger Map
For CCMB Guest house route please click here.
For IICT guest house route please click here.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Research Group in CCMB / Scientists in CCMB
Mohan Rao Ch
Nagaraj R
K Parnaik
Monday, September 29, 2008
International symposium on Nuclear Architecture and Chromatin Dynamics
Nuclear Architecture and Chromatin Dynamics
2 nd meeting of the Asian Forum of Chromosome and Chromatin Biology
November 26-29, 2008
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India
Rakesh K Mishra (CCMB, Hyderabad) and Tapas K Kundu (JNCASR, Bangalore)
Organizers Chromatin 2008
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500 007, India
Phone : +91(0) 40 27192658
Fax : +91(0) 40 27160591
Email :
Speakers | Registration form | Email to us | CCMB | Rakesh Mishra's Lab home page |
Last date for abstract submission and registration is October 10, 2008
Registration fee for students Rs. 1000/- (add Rs. 500/- for accommodation)
Others Rs. 2000/- (add Rs. 800/- for accommodation)
Please pay by bank demand draft in favor of 'Chromatin 2008' payable at Hyderabad.
In addition to the invited talks, there will be poster presentations and short talks selected from the abstracts submitted.
For more Information plz check following web site (official web site)
Guidelines for abstract submission
International symposium on
Nuclear Architecture and Chromatin Dynamics
November 26-29, 2008
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India
Format for abstract:
Authors (underline presenting author)
Affiliation (full postal address and email)
Abstract not exceeding 500 words
Send your abstract as email attachment to:
All accepted abstracts will be given a board of 1x1 Meter board for presentation as poster. Few posters will be selected for oral presentation (a short talk of 10 minute). Indicate in your email if you are interested in your abstract being considered for short talk. There will be prizes for posters. Posters will be on display throughout the meeting and will be a major interaction point for the participants.
Invited Speakers
Purnima Bhargava (Hyderabad, India)
Anne-L Boutillier (Strasbourg, France)
Vani Brahmachari (Delhi, India)
Samit Chattopadhyay (Pune, India)
Shantanu Chowdhury (Delhi, India)
Davide Corona (Palermo, Italy)
Madan M Chaturvedi (Delhi, India)
Victor Corces (Atlanta, USA)
Dipak Dasgupta (Kolkata, India)
Stefan Dimitrov (Grenoble, France)
Sanjeev Galande (Pune, India)
Devayani Haldar (Hyderabad, India)
M. Prakash Hande (Singapore)
David Heery (Nottingham, UK)
Masami Horikoshi (Tokyo, Japan)
Kazuhiko Igarashi (Sendai, Japan)
Li-Jung Juan (Taipei, Taiwan)
Cheng-Fu Kao (Taipei, Taiwan)
Subhash C Lakhotia (Varanashi, India)
Krishnaveni Mishra (Hyderabad, India)
K Natarajan (Delhi, India)
Veena K Parnaik (Hyderabad, India)
BJ Rao (Mumbai, India)
Parag Sadhale (Bangalore, India)
Kaustuv Sanayal (Bangalore, India)
Paul Schedl (Princeton, USA)
Ullas K Seetharam (Mumbai, India)
G V Shivashankar (Bangalore, India)
Jagmohan Singh (Chandigarh, India)
Kunio Takeyasu (Kyoto, Japan)
Kulbhushan Tikoo (Mohali, India)
Jessica Tyler (Colorado, USA)
Jiemin Wong (Shanghai, China)
Jerry Workman (Houston, USA)
Jingde Zhu (Shanghai, China)
Tapas K Kundu (Bangalore, India)
Rakesh K Mishra (Hyderabad, India)
Rakesh K Mishra (CCMB, Hyderabad) and Tapas K Kundu (JNCASR, Bangalore)
In addition to the invited talks, there will be poster presentations and short talks selected from the abstracts submitted. For more details on registration and abstract submission please contact:
Organizers Email:
Chromatin08 Website:
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology Phone: +91(0) 40 27192658
Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500 007, India Fax: +91(0) 40 2716059
Last date for abstract submission and registration is October 10, 2008
Registration fee for students Rs. 1000/- (add Rs. 500/- for accommodation)
Others Rs. 2000/- (add Rs. 800/- for accommodation)
Please pay by bank demand draft in favor of ‘Chromatin 2008’ payable at Hyderabad.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pics of ccmb scientists

Yogendra sharma
shashi now professor in iiser pune

Ramesh sonti
Thangaraj K
Lalji singh

amit chattopadhyay
Utpal bhadra
jyotsana dhawan
Jyotsna Dhawan is a senior scientist at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad India. Jyotsna is a leading young researcher at this top Indian Research Institute, working on muscle stem cells and molecular regulation in mammalian systems.
Jyotsna Dhawan received her PhD from Boston University School of Medicine in 1991 studying growth control in fibroblasts and myoblasts. After postdoctoral work at Stanford University investigating skeletal muscle as a target tissue for cell and gene therapy, she established a group at CCMB in 1996 to study the biology of adult skeletal muscle stem cells, in particular, the importance of quiescence in muscle stem cell function. Research in Jyotsna’s group is currently focused on intrinsic chromatin regulatory mechanisms that couple the cell cycle and myogenic differentiation, and signaling pathways that convey information from extrinsic sources.

Rakesh mishra
Mohan rao
Dr. guruprasad's group
K. Guruprasad, Ph.D (Univ. of London, U.K.)
Scientist & Co-ordinator, Bioinformatics,
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB),
Uppal Road, Hyderabad, 500 007, INDIA.
Positions held:
1983-1985: Project Assistant, Society of Biological Chemists in India, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Uppal Road, Hyderabad - 500 007, India.
1985-1990: Scientist, Bioinformatics, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Uppal Road, Hyderabad - 500 007, India.
1990-1997: Research Fellow, Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London & Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
1997-1998: Faculty member (Reader), Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune - 411 007, India. Coordinated the first batch students of the One-Year Advanced Diploma Course in Bioinformatics programme.
1998-2000: Head, Bioinformatics & Manager, European Molecular Biology Network (EMBnet) India Node. Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Nacharam, Hyderabad - 500 076, India. Established the Bioinformatics infrastructure and led a Research group.
2000-2001: Head, Bioinformatics, gvkbio, Hyderabad. Helped promoters start-up this company.
2001- : Head, Bioinformatics, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Uppal Road, Hyderabad - 500 007, India.
Anant patel's group
Dr. Anant B. Patel obtained his master in Chemistry with Physical Chemistry specialization from Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University in 1993 and Ph. D. in Chemistry entitled "NMR Studies of Biomolecular Systems" from the Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundmamental Research / Mumbai University, Mumbai in 1999. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Magnetic Resonance Research Centre (MRRC), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA from 1999-2003. He served as Associate Research Scientist at Yale MRRC from 2003-2006.
He joined the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad as a senior scientist in June 2006. He has started in vivo NMR imaging and spectroscopy program in the institute and carrying out research in the field of in vivo NMR spectroscopy. His research interests are in trying to understand metabolic basis of various diseases/disorders related with nervous system. One major area of focus in his laboratory is in understanding how excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission are affected during normal ageing and in Alzeimer's disease. The other areas of research in his laboratory include understanding the brain energy metabolism in diabetes and identify the biomarker for the diagnosis of liver diseases.
Research Interest
Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter, in central nervous system. It is well established that a neuronal astrocytic neurotransmitter cycle exists in the brain. In this cycle, neurotransmitter glutamate released from neurons into the synaptic cleft is taken up by astrocytes, converted to glutamine, and returned to neurons in this synaptic inactive form. In neurons glutamine is hydrolyzed to glutamate and re-packaged into vesicles, and ready for the next release. Similarly, GABA released from the inhibitory neurons also may be taken up by astrocytes, converted to glutamate and recycled to GABAergic neurons in the same way. This cycle is called neurotransmitter (glutamate/glutamine, GABA/glutamine) cycle. We have developed stable 13C isotope technique to quantify energetics of glutamaterigc and GABAergic neurotransmission in rodent brain in vivo.
Our current research work is focused on to understand the metabolic basis of various diseases related with central nervous system. The major goals of our studies are following:
1. Identify the atrophy in different brain regions during normal ageing and at various stage of Alzheimer's disease in mouse model.
2. Measure quantitatively the effects of normal ageing and Alzheimer's disease on the concentrations of the major cerebral metabolites specific to neuronal and astroglial cell in mouse model.
3. Determine the effects of normal ageing and Alzheimer's disease on the eneregics of glutamatergic (excitatory neuron), GABAergic neurons (inhibitory neuron) and astroglia.
4. Understand the role of caloric restricted diet and memory enhancing dugs in brain atrophy, cerebral metabolites and neurotransmitter energetics during normal ageing and in Alzheimer's disease.
5. Investigate cerebral metabolism in mouse model of diabetes.
6. Develop non-invasive NMR method for studying hepatic, diabetes, etc. diseases.
Imaran siddique group
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology(CCMB)
Uppal Road,Hyderabad-500 007
Andra Pradesh
Tel: +91 40 27192570
Fax: +91 40 27160591, 27160311
Dr. Siddiqi obtained his M.Sc from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in 1981, and his Ph.D from University of Oregon, under the guidance of Prof. Franklin Stahl, in 1989. Following postdoctoral work at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,he joined Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology(CCMB) in 1992. Currently he is a group leader at CCMB.
Plant Developmental Biology
Research in the lab is mainly focused on the developmental biology of plant reproduction with an emphasis on the control of female meiosis and gametogenesis. The study of female gametophyte development is of special interest in that it affords the opportunity of addressing basic issues in plant developmental biology such as the generation of positional information leading to cell specification, and the role of cell interactions and programmed cell death, in the context of a small and well defined group of distinct and highly specialized cells that make up the female gametophyte.
The female gametophyte or embryo sac contains the egg cell and associated cells required for fertilization and development of the embryo and endosperm. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying ovule and female gametophyte development in higher plants, we have taken a genetic approach starting with screens for mutants that affect female fertility using Arabidospsis as a model system. We also employ candidate gene approaches to address the function of Arabidopsis homologs of genes that are required for the control of meiosis in yeast.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ch. Mohan Rao's Group
Born in Huzurabad, Andhra Pradesh, Mohan Rao has obtained his B.Sc. degree from the Arts and Science College (Osmania University), Warangal and M.Sc.(Physical Chemistry) form Kakatiya University, Warangal. Then he moved to the University of Hyderabad for a Ph.D. programme in chemistry. During the Ph.D. programme, he worked on photoacoustic spectroscopy of chemical and biological systems. This work also involved modification and improvement of the system, data acquisition and processing software.
Later he joined CCMB and initiated intact lens spectroscopic investigation. During 1990-92, he visited National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA and carried out investigations on stability of crystallins and the role of nucleotides in the damage to eye lens due to exposure to ultraviolet light. On his return he initiated work on protein folding in health and disease, particularly molecular chaperone like property of alpha-crystallin and its relation to cataract, neurodegenerative diseases and cardiomyopathy. He is also investigating other heat-shock proteins such as hsp22 and hsp33.
He was a visiting Professor at the Tokyo Science University, Japan during 1996, Visiting Scientist (Raman Fellow) at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA during 2000, Visiting Professor at the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka, Japan during 2002. He is a Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, National Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Science and Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. He was awarded the Shanthi Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in 1999.
Ch.Mohan Rao's Group members
Name Designation Extn. No. E-mail
Ch. Mohan Rao Scientist 2543
K Sridhar Rao Scientist 2558
V Srinivas Technical Office 2556
B. Raman Technical Officer 2558
P Hanumanthu Group I 2555
V Anuradha Technician 2529
Md. Faiz Ahmad Senior Research Fellow 2555
Abhay Kumar Thakur Senior Research Fellow 2555
Bhairab Nath Singh senior Research Fellow 2559
Aftab Taiyab senior Research Fellow 2557
Abhishek Asthana senior Research Fellow 2555
S Prabhu Junior Research Fellow 2560
Saad Mohammad Ahsan Junior Research Fellow 2557
Abdullah Sultan Junior Research Fellow 2555
V Jagadish Project Asstt. 2778
R Shalini Project Asstt. 2778
P Suhardra Project Asstt. 2778
PM Bhargava The founder director of ccmb
It is his vision that - `a Centre for research in frontier areas of modern biology at par with those in Western countries can be built and maintained in India too' - led to what CCMB is today as acclaimed by many distinguished people. His vision of the establishment of CCMB fulfilled a long-felt need in the country for providing the necessary thrust in molecular and cellular biology. CCMB is the first institution in India devoted exclusively to research in frontier-areas of modern biology and it has played a key role in the development of Biotechnology programme in the country.
The results of the care and attention to detail that Dr Bhargava evinced at every step are visible - in the laboratories as well as in the beautiful green surroundings. His experiment in forging a novel framework for the sharing of all facilities, equipment and chemicals amongst the scientific groups is unique in Indian set-up. In effect, this means that the CCMB functions as one integrated laboratory; and so far this experiment has been successful. He is a firm believer in that science and art are the two facets of creative human activity and they go hand in hand. His penchant for aesthetics reflects at various places in the CCMB campus. Dr Bhargava's continued association and support to CCMB is a great help to maintain and improve these traditions.
The Centre, formally set up as an autonomous organisation in 1977, moved to its own modern building complex and was dedicated to the nation by the then Prime Minister, Mr Rajiv Gandhi, on 26th November 1987. The inaugural function was attended by a galaxy of distinguished scientists including few Nobel Laureates such as Dr F H C Crick, Dr C D Gajdusek, Dr B S Blumberg, Dr J C Kendrew, Dr Georges Kohler and Dr S O Choa.
R.Sankaranarayanan's Group
He joined the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad as a senior scientist in March 2002. He has setup a state-of-the-art macromolecular crystallography laboratory in the institute and carrying out research in the field of Structural Biology. His research interests are in trying to understand intermolecular recognition mechanisms. One major area of focus in his laboratory is in elucidating how very similar substrates are recognized with a high accuracy in order to achieve a faithful translation of the genetic code. The other areas of research in his laboratory includes understanding the structural basis of functional interplay between polyketide synthases and fatty acid synthases in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, structure-function studies on virulence factors of a rice pathogenic bacteria and structure guided design of thermostable lipases.
Rakesh Mishra's group
Senior Scientist
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Uppal Road
Hyderabad 500 007
Telephone: (+ 91) 40 2719 2658
Fax No: (+ 91) 40 2716 0591
Our lab is interested in higher order chromatin structure in the context of genomic organization and regulation of gene expression.
1 Chromatin and nuclear architecture
Establishment of cell type specific gene expression and epigenetic inheritance of the expression state are essential features of developmental mechanisms. We are studying these processes at the level of higher order chromatin organization. We focus on the following:
1.1 Molecular analysis of boundary and Polycomb response elements
1.2 The Nuclear matrix
1.3 Genomic organization and chromatin structure in the human Y chromosome
2 Homeotic gene complexes: the evo-devo of A-P body axis
Homeotic gene complexes determine the A-P body axis in animals. Expression and function of the homeotic genes along the A-P axis is colinear with their order of occurrence in the complex. This 'chromosomal organization and its functional correspondence' is conserved during evolution. We are studying the molecular basis of this conservation and mechanisms involved in the regulation of the Hox complexes:
2.1 Regulation of bithorax complex of Drosophila melanogaster
2.2 Evolutionarily conserved features in the organization and regulation of Hox complexes
3 Comparative genomics of non-coding DNA
In higher eukaryotes a large proportion of the genome does not code for proteins. It is emerging that a large proportion of non-coding DNA is required for packaging and regulation of the genome. We believe that genomes evolve within this constraint of packaging. The 'packaging code' of genomes is not clear as yet. We have taken comparative genomics approach to study patterns with in the non-coding regions, in particular the stretches that are under strong selection pressure:
3.1 Comparative and functional genomics of non-repetitive non-coding DNA
3.2 Pattern search approach to identify novel regulatory elements
Current Lab Members
Name Position
Rakesh K Mishra Senior Scientist
Rashmi U Pathak Scientist
A.Srinivasan Technical Assistant
Afsar Soghra Secretariat
M.Anitha Postdoctoral Fellow
D.Vasanthi PhD Student
S.Krishnan PhD Student
Ram P Kumar PhD Student
Bony De Kumar PhD Student
Hina Sultana PhD Student
Navneet K M PhD Student
Satish Kallappagoudar PhD Student
R Senthilkumar PhD Student (Joint PhD program of CCMB & IIIT-H)
Narendra Pratap Singh PhD Student
Abhishek Kulkarni PhD Student
Sreesankar E PhD Student (CSIR sponsored collaborative project with University of Hyderabad)
Manohar Dange Project JRF (CSIR sponsored collaborative project with University of Hyderabad)
Jyotsna Singh Project JRF
Sayantanee Dutta Project JRF
Rakesh Mishra's Lab in CCMB
His wife Dr.KRISHNAVENI MISHRA also assit professor in UNIVERSITY of hyderabad.
Contact:, +91-40-23134572 (Tel); +91-40-23010120 (Fax)
Dr Krishnaveni Mishra PhD (CCMB, JNU)
Teaching: Genetics, Genetic engineering, Microbiology, Lipid biochemistry
Research Interest: Functional Compartmentalization of the Nucleus and Telomere biology
The eukaryotic nucleus is organized into various compartments, several of these are readily visible under the microscope, like the nucleolus, nuclear lamina, etc. Apart from these prominent structures, several nuclear functions like transcription, splicing, DNA repair seem to be restricted to certain distinct loci within the nucleus. Additionally, current data support the view that the nucleus is subdivided into transcriptionally permissive and restrictive compartments. Importantly, there is a lot of reorganization at the nuclear level during differentiation. These observations strengthen the view that nuclear compartmentalization has consequences on the functioning of the genome.
My lab is using the budding yeast as a model system to study the establishment and maintenance of telomere-based compartments at the nuclear periphery. Telomeres are ends of the chromosomes consisting of tandem repetitive sequences and specific set of proteins associated with it. The telomere repeat tracts are maintained by telomerase, a telomere specific reverse transcriptase that counteracts the loss of terminal sequences during DNA replication. Telomeres also protect chromosome ends from fusion and prevent the natural chromosome ends from being recognized as double strand DNA breaks by the DNA repair system. The 32 telomeres of budding yeast are confined to a few foci at the periphery of the nucleus that light up as 3-6 intensely staining spots when hybridized with fluorescently labeled telomeric DNA. These foci recruit and accumulate the SIR (silent information regulator) proteins and create a transcriptionally repressive environment at the nuclear periphery.
A few proteins involved in DNA repair (eg Yku70, Yku80) are also found in this foci. Certain conditions like, large number of DNA breaks, aging etc induce the movement of Sirp from the telomeres. Several questions remain unanswered. How are the telomeres clustered and anchored to the nuclear periphery? What is the molecular basis of this organization? What happens to these sites during cell division and differentiation? What is the connection between these sites and telomere synthesis, DNA repair, aging etc.
We have taken a genetic and cell biological approach to address these issues. We are isolating mutants that disrupt the establishment and maintenance of these compartments in order to understand the molecular basis of this compartmentalization. We are also taking a bioinformatics approach to look at the sequences at the subtelomeric regions to see if there are any signature sequences that contribute to this organization. We are tagging individual chromosomes with traceable markers to investigate the specificity of these associations. Additionally, we are investigating the connection between telomere metabolism, DNA repair and nuclear compartmentalization.
Significant Publications
Pathak, R.U., Ragaraj, N., Sathish, K., Mishra, K*., and Mishra, R. (2007). Boundary Element Associated Factor, BEAF 32B, Connects Chromatin Domains to the Nuclear Matrix. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27: 4796-4806. (*Corresponding author)
Krishnaveni Mishra, Vivek S Chopra, A. Srinivasan and Rakesh Mishra. Trl-GAGA interacts with lola -like and both are part of the repressive complex of Polycomb group of genes. Mechanisms of Development.120: 681 – 689. 2003.
Krishnaveni Mishra and David M. Shore. Yeast Ku protein plays a direct role in telomeric position effect and counteracts the inhibitory effects of rif proteins. Curr. Biology 9, 1123-1126, 1999.
Krishnaveni Mishra and Veena K. Parnaik. Essential role of protein phosphorylation in nuclear transport. Expt. Cell Res. 216, 124-134, 1995.
Krishnaveni Mishra, DVSS Kathyayini and Veena K. Parnaik. A conserved epitope on pore phosphoproteins reflects cell division status. Indian J. Biochem. Biophysics 31, 243-248, 1994.
Siyaram Pandey, Anjali S. Karande, Krishnaveni Mishra and Veena K. Parnaik. Inhibition of nuclear protein import by an antibody that recognises a novel class of pore proteins. Expt. Cell Res. 212, 234-254, 1994.